About the auction

Don’t miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own an owl sculpture! The Big Hoots, and a selection of Little Hoots, will be sold to their forever homes at our online auction.

By being part of the Big Hoot Auction, you’ll be  raising vital funds for Chestnut Tree House children’s hospice. Your bids will helping us to be there for children and young people with life-limiting conditions – and their families – across East and West Sussex and South East Hampshire.

Bidding dates:

The auction is now closed. Thank you to everyone who placed a bid on any of the owls and congratulations to you lucky bidders who now have your own feathered friends to take home!

How to bid:

Attendance to the online bid is free, you just need to sign up to the online auction platform, and you can get bidding.

Check out all 34 owls up for Auction

You can start browsing – and bidding – now!

All 30 large sculptures and a selection of four of the small owls are available and looking for their forever home.


View all sculptures

How you’re helping

By buying an owl at our Auction, not only will you be owning a completely unique piece of art you’ll also be doing something wonderful for children’s hospice care, as all proceeds will go to Chestnut Tree House.

Here at Chestnut Tree House kids can be astronauts for the day in the multi-sensory room, discover creepy crawlies on a woodland walk, or form their very own pop group in the music room. It is a place where parents can just be parents, and not carers, and where siblings have people to talk to who understand.

A Wild in Art Event

Wild in Art is the leading producer of spectacular public art events which enrich, entertain, inform and connect communities – giving people of all ages a voice through art.

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